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Social Tip Privacy Policy

​(version 1.3 - last updated: 05 Jun 2024)

About Us and This Privacy Policy:


Social Tip Ltd, which operates through our online platforms (specific website URLs) and any potential mobile applications associated with us (hereafter referred to as our “Services”), is managed by Social Tip Ltd. Our principal office is located at C/O Turcan Connell Princes Exchange, 1 Earl Grey Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH3 9EE, and we are registered under the Company Number SC770810 (“we”, “us”, or “our”).


This Privacy Policy is crafted specifically for users within the European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom (UK). Users in these regions have distinct privacy rights as per the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), and the UK Data Protection Act 2018. For the management of personal information of our users in the United States, please refer to our US Privacy Policy.


We, as the custodians of your personal data (meaning any information from which an individual can be identified), are committed to the protection and respect of your privacy.

In this Privacy Policy, we outline how we collect, use, and process personal data obtained from you or provided by you. It is important for you to review this document thoroughly to understand our practices regarding your personal data and how we will handle it.


Our Services may include links to third-party websites and applications. We do not have control over these external sites and are not responsible for their privacy statements or policies. When you leave our Services, we advise you to read the privacy notices of each website you visit. We do not bear any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices or policies of these third-party websites. We recommend checking these policies before you provide any personal data to such websites.

How to Contact Us

For any inquiries or requests related to this Privacy Policy, including any matters concerning your personal data that we handle, you may reach out to us via post at our aforementioned address or through email at Your concerns and requests are important to us, and we are committed to addressing them in a timely and efficient manner.


Information We Collect About You

At Social Tip Ltd, our Services cater to two primary customer groups:

1. Creators who register directly with us ("Creator Customers").

2. Brands that sign up to utilise our services ("Brand Customers").

Based on the Services we offer you and your interactions with us, we collect and process various types of personal data, which includes:

- Contact Data: This includes your email address and possibly your telephone number, primarily used for communication purposes.

- Identity Data: We collect basic identity information such as your first and last name. This is essential for both Creator and Brand Customers to facilitate a personalised and secure service.

- Creator Data: For our Creator Customers, we collect minimal data necessary to identify and collaborate with you, including links to your professional profiles on social media platforms.

- Profile Data: This encompasses basic information about your interactions with our Services, such as types of services used or preferred.

- Technical Data: We gather limited technical information like your IP address and the type of device used to access our Services, ensuring compatibility and security.

- Usage Data: We monitor how you interact with our Services, like the features used, to improve and personalise your experience.

Please note that at this stage of our MVP (Minimum Viable Product), we do not collect extensive personal details such as Financial and Transaction Data, Call Recordings, or Special Category Data. Our focus is on the essential information required to deliver and improve our Services.

As for Potential Creators identified by our Brand Customers, we only collect publicly available information that is essential for the intended purpose of our Services. We respect your privacy and control over your data. If you have any concerns about the information we hold about you, please feel free to contact us.


How We Collect and Use Your Information

At Social Tip Ltd, we are committed to processing personal data responsibly and in compliance with applicable data protection laws. We collect and process personal data only when we have a lawful basis for doing so. These bases include:

- When it's necessary to perform a contract, we have with you (for example, to provide customer support).

- When processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your rights (such as for internal administrative purposes).

- If we are legally required to do so.

- When we have your consent to process your personal data.

Below we outline the types of data we collect, the purposes for which we use this data, and our lawful basis for processing:

Purpose/Activity: To register you as a customer

- Type of Data: (a) Identity (b) Contact

- Lawful Basis: Performance of a contract with you

Purpose/Activity: To manage our relationship with you

- Type of Data: (a) Identity (b) Contact (c) Profile

- Lawful Basis: (a) Performance of a contract with you (b) Necessary to comply with our legal obligations

Purpose/Activity: To administer and protect our business and Services

- Type of Data: (a) Identity (b) Contact (c) Technical

- Lawful Basis: (a) Necessary for our legitimate interests (b) Necessary to comply with our legal obligations

Purpose/Activity: To use data analytics to improve our Services and customer experiences

- Type of Data: (a) Technical (b) Usage

- Lawful Basis: Necessary for our legitimate interests (to define types of customers for our products and services, to keep our Services updated and relevant)

Purpose/Activity: To make suggestions and recommendations to you about our services

- Type of Data: (a) Identity (b) Contact (c) Profile

- Lawful Basis: Your consent (which you can withdraw at any time)

Please note that where we rely on your consent to process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. If any of your personal data changes, we encourage you to update this in your account settings to ensure our records remain accurate.

We utilise minimal analytics tools for our mobile app to enhance our services, ensuring that these tools do not gather personal data beyond what is essential for these improvements.


How We Store Your Information

At Social Tip Ltd, safeguarding your personal information is a top priority. We employ state-of-the-art security measures designed to prevent accidental loss, unauthorised access, or misuse of your personal data.

Our mobile application utilises advanced, industry-standard technologies for secure data storage and management. These technologies include robust encryption methods and secure processing practices to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

In case of a suspected data security breach, our team is prepared with procedures to address and mitigate any potential impact swiftly. This includes notifying you and relevant regulatory authorities, following our legal obligations, to ensure your data's security is maintained.


Who We Share Your Information With

At Social Tip Ltd, we share your personal information only when necessary and with those who require it for legitimate business purposes. This includes our team members, affiliates, and trusted partners such as professional advisors and service providers involved in the operation of our business.

All parties who have access to your information are obliged to keep it confidential and use it solely for authorised purposes. There are instances where we may need to share your information for legal reasons, such as for crime prevention or to comply with legal or regulatory requirements.

If you link third-party services, like email or social media platforms, with our Services, please note that these third-party providers will view your personal data. We will process this data on their behalf and share any relevant information with them as part of this integration.

We may also disclose your personal information to comply with legal obligations or governmental requests, including for national security purposes, and to prevent fraud or other illegal activities to ensure the safety of our users.


How Long We Keep Your Information

At Social Tip Ltd, we retain your personal information for as long as your account is active with us. Should you choose to delete your account or request its deletion, we will keep your personal data only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. This includes meeting legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or reporting obligations.

When determining how long to retain your personal data, we consider factors such as the volume, nature, and sensitivity of the data, the potential risk from unauthorised use or disclosure, the purposes of processing, and whether these purposes can be achieved through other means. We also take into account legal and regulatory requirements.

In certain cases, we may anonymise your personal data (making it impossible to link it back to you) for research or statistical purposes. In such instances, we may use this anonymised information indefinitely without further notice to you.


International Transfers of Your Information

Social Tip Ltd is based in the United Kingdom. When you access or use our Services or provide us with personal information, you should be aware that your data may be processed, transferred, and stored both within the UK and in other locations where we operate.

We handle your personal data in compliance with applicable UK laws, as well as in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK GDPR. In cases where we transfer your personal data to third parties situated in countries not recognised by the European Commission or the UK as having adequate data protection, we will ensure your personal data is protected through appropriate contractual terms or other approved mechanisms.

Should you have any inquiries regarding the international transfer of your personal information, please feel free to reach out to us using the contact information provided in the "How to Contact Us" section.


Your Rights

As a user of Social Tip Ltd.'s services, you are entitled to various rights under applicable data protection laws. These rights are available to you free of charge and include:

- Access: You have the right to access your personal information and receive supplementary information that this Privacy Policy addresses.

- Correction: You can require us to rectify any inaccuracies in the information we hold about you.

- Erasure: In certain situations, you may ask for the deletion of your personal data. Note that this right does not apply where we have a lawful reason to continue using the data.

- Data Portability: You have the right to receive and transfer your personal data, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format in certain circumstances.

- Withdraw Consent: If you have previously given consent for us to use your personal data for direct marketing, you can withdraw this consent.

- Objection to Automated Decision-Making: You can object to decisions made solely by automated means that have legal or significant effects on you.

- Restrict Processing: In certain circumstances, you can request that we restrict the processing of your personal information.

- General Objection: You may object to our continued processing of your personal data in certain other situations.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the details provided in the "How to Contact Us" section. We may request specific information from you to confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the data or to exercise any of your other rights. This is to ensure that personal data is not wrongly disclosed.

We aim to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. However, it may take longer for complex or multiple requests, in which case we will notify and update you.

Please note that there are exceptions to these rights and situations where we may be unable to fully comply with your request. 

If you're in the EEA, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. For those in the UK, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. However, we encourage you to contact us first with any concerns, as we would prefer to address them directly.


Children's Personal Information

Our Services are designed for users aged 13 and above. We do not intentionally collect personal information from individuals under the age of 13. If you suspect that a child under this age has provided us with personal information, please reach out to us using the contact information provided in the "How to Contact Us" section. Upon receiving such information, we will take prompt action to remove any personal data we may have inadvertently collected about the child. Updates to This Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy was last updated on June 05, 2024.


We periodically review and may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in legal requirements or our business practices. Our policy is reviewed annually to ensure that personal data usage aligns with the purposes outlined in this document and complies with any applicable regulations.

Any future changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. Where appropriate, we will also communicate these changes to you via email. We encourage you to regularly visit this page to stay informed about any updates or modifications to our Privacy Policy.

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